First Annual BEAR Conference: The Monetary Toolkit

We are launching a series of annual conferences to promote the Bank of England Agenda for Research (BEAR). The first edition will focus on The Monetary Toolkit.

About the conference

Date: 24-25 February 2022

Format: Hybrid

Location: Bank of England Conference Centre and Teams

We are pleased to present the First Annual BEAR Conference on the Monetary Toolkit. The conference brings together academics,  practitioners and policymakers to discuss monetary policy instruments and the new strategy questions that central banks are facing.

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Day 1: 24 February 2022, 1.15pm - 6.15pm GMT

  • Opening Remarks with Andrew Bailey (Bank of England)
  • Session on Negative Interest Rates, with Miguel García-Posada (BdE), Farzad Saidi (Bonn), Romina Ruprecht (FRB), Antoine Martin (FRBNY)
  • Policy Panel on Unwinding QE with Ben Broadbent (BoE), Tobias Adrian (IMF), Mary Daly (FRBSF), Isabel Schnabel (ECB)
  • Keynote Speech with Gauti Eggertsson (Brown)

Video: Opening remarks and session on interest rates

Video: Panel on QE unwind and keynote speech 1

Day 2: 25 February 2022, 8.30am - 6.30pm GMT

  • Session on Monetary Transmission Mechanism with Alberto Polo (BoE), Yann Koby (Brown), Alessandro Gavazza (LSE), Sinem Hacioglu (BoE)
  • Session on Forward Guidance and Average Inflation Targeting with Dmitriy Sergeyev (Bocconi), Francesca Monti (UKL & UC Louvain), Chengcheng Jia (FRB Cleveland), Sebastian Schmidt (ECB) 
  • Session on Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interaction with Michele Andreolli (LBS), Dimitri Vayanos (LSE), Nicolas Caramp (UC Davis), Davide Debortoli (UPF)
  • Keynote Speech with Arvind Krishnamurthy (Stanford) 
  • Closing Remarks with Huw Pill (BoE)  

Video: Session on monetary transmission mechanism

Video: Session on forward guidance and average inflation targeting

Video: Session on fiscal and monetary interaction, keynote speech 2 and closing remarks




This page was last updated 31 January 2023