Prudential bank regulation: present and future - speech by Vicky Saporta

Given at the Westminster Business Forum Keynote Seminar: Building a resilient UK financial sector – next steps for prudential regulation, structural reform and mitigating risks.
Published on 04 July 2018

In her speech, Vicky Saporta considers the impact of one of the most important post-financial crisis reforms, Basel III, which was completed in December 2017. She goes on to describe what banking regulation will look like in the future.

She says the Bank of England “will consider making adjustments to regulations in response to unintended consequences and new risks to ensure that the resilience we injected into the banking system post-crisis stands the test of time”.  

Accompanying Vicky’s speech is a Financial Stability paper assessing where the balance has been struck between the robustness and the risk sensitivity of the capital framework.

PDFPrudential bank regulation: present and future

PDFPress release