Green Notice 2022/02

Green Notices cover significant and/or strategic proposals for Bank of England Reporting. If any of these proposals are finalised and are to be implemented, they will appear in the Statistical Notice to reporting institutions. They are issued at the same time as the Statistical Notice.
Published on 12 August 2022

Proposal to engage with reporting firms to seek explicit prior consent to publish statistical data

The Bank’s Data and Statistics Division is proposing to adopt a new approach to managing data publication consent from reporting firms. The proposal is to obtain explicit prior consent from reporting institutions to publish aggregate data where a reporting institution is the sole contributor or one of only two contributors to a published aggregate. The proposal is to obtain explicit prior consent from reporting firms on an annual basis in order to reduce the burden of seeking consent on a monthly or quarterly basis. Reporting firms will have the option to opt-in to or opt-out from such an approach on a form-by-form basis should they wish to do so. The intention is engage with reporting firms in the autumn to discuss these proposals in more detail. 

More details on both the proposal and the engagement with reporting firms will be released via a Statistical Notice in due course. If you have any queries, please contact


A summary of all Statistical Notice items that are yet to come into effect are also available to view on the Statistical notices page. Statistical Notices should be received by all those responsible for the completion of Bank of England returns. To amend the circulation list please subscribe.