Green Notice 2022/03

Green Notices cover significant and/or strategic proposals for Bank of England Reporting. If any of these proposals are finalised and are to be implemented, they will appear in the Statistical Notice to reporting institutions. They are issued at the same time as the Statistical Notice.
Published on 01 December 2022

Update to Green Notice 2022/02

In November, the Bank’s Data and Statistics Division (DSD) met with a panel of reporters to discuss a new approach to managing data confidentiality across DSD’s suite of statistical publications. The change of approach is to seek prior approval from reporting institutions should the data they provide contribute to a published aggregate where there are less than three contributors. The aim of the new approach is to reduce the burden on both reporting institutions and DSD staff when the Bank seeks permission to publish data. Adoption of this new approach will be on a voluntary basis. More information on this new approach will be shared in March 2023 via a Statistical Notice.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact


A summary of all Statistical Notice items that are yet to come into effect are also available to view on the Statistical notices page. Statistical Notices should be received by all those responsible for the completion of Bank of England returns. To amend the circulation list please subscribe.