Description | The file includes a letter to T D Barlow on fiscal policy, 4 Jan 1932; invitations to speaking engagements; correspondence with Charles G Renold concerning business forecasting and the relations of industry and finance, Dec 1931 - Jan 1932; correspondence with A F Hemming on behalf of the Government-appointed Committee of the Economic Advisory Council on rationalisation, Jan 1932; correspondence with E J B Lloyd of the Incorporated Association of Retail Distributors concerning an allegation of bias on Clay's part against the Co-operative Societies, Jan 1932; correspondence relating to academic matters; correspondence relating to publications; letter to Henry S Dennison, containing comments on the United Kingdom's departure from the Gold Standard and move towards protection, 4 Feb 1932; correspondence with E T Snow of the United Tanners Association on ways to improve the balance of payments, Feb 1932; correspondence with H R Hodges on insurance, Feb 1932; letter to Professor Cannan on inconsistencies in the balance of payments, 10 Feb 1932; Economic Advisory Council Committee of Problems of Rationalisation notes of Clay's evidence to the committee at a meeting held on 19 Jan 1932; correspondence with A Belch concerning the statistical summary, Feb 1932; copy of a magazine entitled 'Proletcult', Mar 1932, including a quotation from Clay, and referring to him as 'the bourgeois Professor'; letter to Sir Evelyn Wallers on South Africa and the Gold Standard, 7 Mar 1932; letter to H M Trouncer on a method of excluding uninsurable risks from the Insurance Scheme, 16 Mar 1932; correspondence with G W Armitage on forecasting the movement of prices, Mar 1932; and letter to Harry Arthur Siepmann on the forecast of cotton prices, 22 Mar 1932. With index to correspondents at end of file. |