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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of UK resident monetary financial institutions' sterling and all foreign currency deposits from non-resident intragroup deposit-taking corporations (in US dollar millions) vis-à-vis offshore centres not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 14 372603
30 Jun 14 395635
30 Sep 14 383137
31 Dec 14 389232
31 Mar 15 380894
30 Jun 15 351913
30 Sep 15 337472
31 Dec 15 338138
31 Mar 16 328656
30 Jun 16 316463
30 Sep 16 370962
31 Dec 16 349723
31 Mar 17 325653
30 Jun 17 306772
30 Sep 17 379858
31 Dec 17 379762
31 Mar 18 356932
30 Jun 18 325870
30 Sep 18 284211
31 Dec 18 286745
31 Mar 19 276650
30 Jun 19 282748
30 Sep 19 279993
31 Dec 19 338762
31 Mar 20 298706
30 Jun 20 291585
30 Sep 20 299114
31 Dec 20 305974
31 Mar 21 290583
30 Jun 21 313983
30 Sep 21 318047
31 Dec 21 340806
31 Mar 22 362683
30 Jun 22 374513
30 Sep 22 395491
31 Dec 22 357305
31 Mar 23 347661
30 Jun 23 360263
30 Sep 23 342442
31 Dec 23 344543
31 Mar 24 348883
30 Jun 24 348420

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[a] Due to improvements in reporting gross liabilities vis-à-vis intra-group deposit taking corporations in Offshore Centres have been affected by approximately $15bn. (30 Sep 2017)