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Date Quarterly Gross Issues of other financial corporations' sterling and all foreign currency issues of bonds total (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 22092
30 Jun 10 14412
30 Sep 10 19552
31 Dec 10 47890
31 Mar 11 31935
30 Jun 11 23197
30 Sep 11 20125
31 Dec 11 30745
31 Mar 12 16880
30 Jun 12 21627
30 Sep 12 7777
31 Dec 12 26425
31 Mar 13 7317
30 Jun 13 12991
30 Sep 13 7282
31 Dec 13 17344
31 Mar 14 5205
30 Jun 14 25720
30 Sep 14 8202
31 Dec 14 19971
31 Mar 15 9709
30 Jun 15 13385
30 Sep 15 8841
31 Dec 15 23936
31 Mar 16 14228
30 Jun 16 22073
30 Sep 16 16215
31 Dec 16 20847
31 Mar 17 12774
30 Jun 17 23753
30 Sep 17 16251
31 Dec 17 24295
31 Mar 18 15826
30 Jun 18 22835
30 Sep 18 16399
31 Dec 18 25969
31 Mar 19 7101
30 Jun 19 20739
30 Sep 19 21876
31 Dec 19 23835
31 Mar 20 21120
30 Jun 20 21943
30 Sep 20 18587
31 Dec 20 19441
31 Mar 21 35162
30 Jun 21 22017
30 Sep 21 23177
31 Dec 21 32125
31 Mar 22 29112
30 Jun 22 13591
30 Sep 22 18311
31 Dec 22 26115
31 Mar 23 28235
30 Jun 23 25400
30 Sep 23 19980
31 Dec 23 24226
31 Mar 24 28693
30 Jun 24 36287

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[a] In the August 2024 publication, there have been revisions due to the reclassification of two issuers from the non-resident to the UK OFC sector. This impacts data for bonds and equity from July 2018 to January 2022. The largest revisions were a £0.4 billion increase to bond issuance in October 2019 and a £0.1bn billion increase to equity issuance in January 2022. Also, non-resident bond issuance data for May 2024 were revised upward by £0.6 billion in light of additional information.