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Date Quarterly changes of monetary financial institutions' sterling time deposits, repos and CDs from other financial corporations (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 -12261
30 Jun 10 -16881
30 Sep 10 -16720
31 Dec 10 -13128
31 Mar 11 14351
30 Jun 11 -1079
30 Sep 11 -47493
31 Dec 11 -35483
31 Mar 12 -42604
30 Jun 12 -37108
30 Sep 12 -17006
31 Dec 12 -7583
31 Mar 13 -20571
30 Jun 13 -10858
30 Sep 13 8097
31 Dec 13 -52844
31 Mar 14 -24115
30 Jun 14 -29312
30 Sep 14 -22227
31 Dec 14 -28810
31 Mar 15 -17070
30 Jun 15 -12368
30 Sep 15 -33543
31 Dec 15 -9462
31 Mar 16 -9683
30 Jun 16 11139
30 Sep 16 8362
31 Dec 16 7836
31 Mar 17 28956
30 Jun 17 -4237
30 Sep 17 7506
31 Dec 17 -8119
31 Mar 18 -1887
30 Jun 18 -10590
30 Sep 18 -2268
31 Dec 18 7734
31 Mar 19 3047
30 Jun 19 -1613
30 Sep 19 12357
31 Dec 19 6484
31 Mar 20 25643
30 Jun 20 21271
30 Sep 20 -1205
31 Dec 20 -22116
31 Mar 21 -8386
30 Jun 21 2113
30 Sep 21 7122
31 Dec 21 16888
31 Mar 22 -2479
30 Jun 22 -14067
30 Sep 22 -20436
31 Dec 22 17178
31 Mar 23 -9944
30 Jun 23 -6182
30 Sep 23 -14893
31 Dec 23 -4830
31 Mar 24 19428
30 Jun 24 3118

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[a] This MFI series was introduced with December 2013 data following the decision to cease publication of mutually owned monetary financial institutions series. These changes are described in Bankstats, December 2013, 'Changes to publication of data for mutually owned monetary financial institutions', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1dec13.pdf (03 January 2014).