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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling interest bearing sight deposits from other financial corporations (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f]
31 Mar 10 187103
30 Jun 10 183437
30 Sep 10 164492
31 Dec 10 154472
31 Mar 11 160240
30 Jun 11 158071
30 Sep 11 153995
31 Dec 11 149101
31 Mar 12 150616
30 Jun 12 152639
30 Sep 12 150532
31 Dec 12 150074
31 Mar 13 159841
30 Jun 13 152988
30 Sep 13 162439
31 Dec 13 156318
31 Mar 14 166386
30 Jun 14 170924
30 Sep 14 168660
31 Dec 14 160963
31 Mar 15 169958
30 Jun 15 162337
30 Sep 15 156722
31 Dec 15 149823
31 Mar 16 161653
30 Jun 16 182424
30 Sep 16 179890
31 Dec 16 169414
31 Mar 17 173236
30 Jun 17 175780
30 Sep 17 176529
31 Dec 17 165118
31 Mar 18 181818
30 Jun 18 183686
30 Sep 18 181671
31 Dec 18 177336
31 Mar 19 175942
30 Jun 19 171688
30 Sep 19 181500
31 Dec 19 182378
31 Mar 20 221737
30 Jun 20 213204
30 Sep 20 216314
31 Dec 20 219238
31 Mar 21 227080
30 Jun 21 219031
30 Sep 21 231543
31 Dec 21 225442
31 Mar 22 239799
30 Jun 22 241230
30 Sep 22 318955
31 Dec 22 233937
31 Mar 23 261927
30 Jun 23 268136
30 Sep 23 235136
31 Dec 23 243574
31 Mar 24 243612
30 Jun 24 227986

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[a] This MFI series was introduced with December 2013 data following the decision to cease publication of mutually owned monetary financial institutions series. These changes are described in Bankstats, December 2013, 'Changes to publication of data for mutually owned monetary financial institutions', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1dec13.pdf (03 January 2014).

[b] As a result of accounting changes at some institutions, the amount outstanding of this series has decreased by £1bn. The movement has been adjusted out of the flows for Q1 2010. (31 Mar 2010)

[c] Due to changes to reporting of securitised loans, along with related liabilities, the amount outstanding of this series has increased by £17bn. The movement has been adjusted out of the flows for Q1 2010. For further details please see http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/documents/ms/art1feb10.pdf. (31 Mar 2010)

[d] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding decreased by £5bn. The effect has been adjusted out of the flows for April 2013. (30 Apr 2013)

[e] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £6bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for September 2013. (30 Sep 2013)

[f] Due to a restructuring at one reporting institution, the amounts outstanding decreased by £3bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for November 2013. (30 Nov 2013)