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Date Quarterly changes of monetary financial institutions' sterling time deposits, repos and CDs from household sector (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 3154
30 Jun 10 262
30 Sep 10 1824
31 Dec 10 3470
31 Mar 11 3728
30 Jun 11 2318
30 Sep 11 810
31 Dec 11 2449
31 Mar 12 4754
30 Jun 12 -478
30 Sep 12 566
31 Dec 12 -5475
31 Mar 13 -9138
30 Jun 13 -8955
30 Sep 13 -9911
31 Dec 13 -7425
31 Mar 14 -7714
30 Jun 14 -7289
30 Sep 14 -9169
31 Dec 14 -2799
31 Mar 15 -7045
30 Jun 15 -3640
30 Sep 15 -3074
31 Dec 15 -1475
31 Mar 16 -2589
30 Jun 16 -1722
30 Sep 16 -41
31 Dec 16 -5476
31 Mar 17 -2888
30 Jun 17 -2716
30 Sep 17 -2350
31 Dec 17 -69
31 Mar 18 -2268
30 Jun 18 -1705
30 Sep 18 -2585
31 Dec 18 -844
31 Mar 19 1185
30 Jun 19 1556
30 Sep 19 -1176
31 Dec 19 911
31 Mar 20 -1526
30 Jun 20 -756
30 Sep 20 -8971
31 Dec 20 1373
31 Mar 21 -2975
30 Jun 21 -4628
30 Sep 21 -2163
31 Dec 21 -1807
31 Mar 22 405
30 Jun 22 5451
30 Sep 22 7948
31 Dec 22 30660
31 Mar 23 20535
30 Jun 23 16986
30 Sep 23 21899
31 Dec 23 10033
31 Mar 24 1903
30 Jun 24 3378

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[a] This MFI series was introduced with December 2013 data following the decision to cease publication of mutually owned monetary financial institutions series. These changes are described in Bankstats, December 2013, 'Changes to publication of data for mutually owned monetary financial institutions', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1dec13.pdf (03 January 2014).