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Date Quarterly changes of monetary financial institutions' sterling time deposits, repos and CDs from private non-financial corporations (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 -2011
30 Jun 10 3957
30 Sep 10 -1151
31 Dec 10 -1390
31 Mar 11 -8923
30 Jun 11 221
30 Sep 11 -2482
31 Dec 11 5074
31 Mar 12 -2320
30 Jun 12 576
30 Sep 12 -945
31 Dec 12 831
31 Mar 13 475
30 Jun 13 -1818
30 Sep 13 -5058
31 Dec 13 -35
31 Mar 14 851
30 Jun 14 -419
30 Sep 14 -1323
31 Dec 14 3860
31 Mar 15 -714
30 Jun 15 336
30 Sep 15 3752
31 Dec 15 4402
31 Mar 16 -8884
30 Jun 16 -897
30 Sep 16 2072
31 Dec 16 1289
31 Mar 17 -1871
30 Jun 17 3097
30 Sep 17 -1826
31 Dec 17 4448
31 Mar 18 -1617
30 Jun 18 1464
30 Sep 18 102
31 Dec 18 4714
31 Mar 19 -980
30 Jun 19 -130
30 Sep 19 95
31 Dec 19 3205
31 Mar 20 -2486
30 Jun 20 6418
30 Sep 20 6084
31 Dec 20 -756
31 Mar 21 -5179
30 Jun 21 1473
30 Sep 21 -1214
31 Dec 21 3713
31 Mar 22 -1975
30 Jun 22 4242
30 Sep 22 1061
31 Dec 22 11469
31 Mar 23 1069
30 Jun 23 10199
30 Sep 23 9325
31 Dec 23 4957
31 Mar 24 1121
30 Jun 24 7023

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[a] This MFI series was introduced with December 2013 data following the decision to cease publication of mutually owned monetary financial institutions series. These changes are described in Bankstats, December 2013, 'Changes to publication of data for mutually owned monetary financial institutions', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1dec13.pdf (03 January 2014).