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Date Monthly changes of public sector net cash requirement (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 19 -26138
28 Feb 19 14
31 Mar 19 23352
30 Apr 19 -8068
31 May 19 13660
30 Jun 19 11915
31 Jul 19 -12543
31 Aug 19 5472
30 Sep 19 13789
31 Oct 19 -988
30 Nov 19 10440
31 Dec 19 17757
31 Jan 20 -20357
29 Feb 20 1098
31 Mar 20 18614
30 Apr 20 61084
31 May 20 62129
30 Jun 20 45412
31 Jul 20 24902
31 Aug 20 23581
30 Sep 20 25924
31 Oct 20 14290
30 Nov 20 21851
31 Dec 20 34304
31 Jan 21 -13061
28 Feb 21 10226
31 Mar 21 25836
30 Apr 21 28015
31 May 21 21862
30 Jun 21 16873
31 Jul 21 -923
31 Aug 21 8352
30 Sep 21 12710
31 Oct 21 2579
30 Nov 21 12760
31 Dec 21 16245
31 Jan 22 -24992
28 Feb 22 3626
31 Mar 22 20735
30 Apr 22 111
31 May 22 12102
30 Jun 22 8877
31 Jul 22 -3758
31 Aug 22 5413
30 Sep 22 13547
31 Oct 22 9622
30 Nov 22 28457
31 Dec 22 24942
31 Jan 23 -21211
28 Feb 23 12159
31 Mar 23 30141
30 Apr 23 16841
31 May 23 16441
30 Jun 23 18526
31 Jul 23 7452
31 Aug 23 8014
30 Sep 23 17680
31 Oct 23 16627
30 Nov 23 19267
31 Dec 23 20751
31 Jan 24 -18247
29 Feb 24 10799
31 Mar 24 32695
30 Apr 24 15187

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[a] This estimate of the Public Sector Net Cash Requirement may differ from the headline measure published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The Bank of England's measure is maintained to ensure the 'Alternative Counterparts' analysis continues to balance. More details on this can be found in article www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art2may09.pdf.