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Date Monthly amount of total sterling total repayments of secured lending by individuals (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 19 18700
28 Feb 19 19073
31 Mar 19 17855
30 Apr 19 18152
31 May 19 19588
30 Jun 19 18271
31 Jul 19 17040
31 Aug 19 18349
30 Sep 19 18640
31 Oct 19 18025
30 Nov 19 18635
31 Dec 19 18931
31 Jan 20 18570
29 Feb 20 18647
31 Mar 20 18053
30 Apr 20 14024
31 May 20 15279
30 Jun 20 14400
31 Jul 20 14321
31 Aug 20 16063
30 Sep 20 16047
31 Oct 20 17477
30 Nov 20 17104
31 Dec 20 18742
31 Jan 21 19221
28 Feb 21 20264
31 Mar 21 23339
30 Apr 21 19667
31 May 21 18738
30 Jun 21 27040
31 Jul 21 16762
31 Aug 21 17207
30 Sep 21 20617
31 Oct 21 18293
30 Nov 21 19031
31 Dec 21 18359
31 Jan 22 18843
28 Feb 22 22377
31 Mar 22 19451
30 Apr 22 23145
31 May 22 22786
30 Jun 22 19779
31 Jul 22 21734
31 Aug 22 21088
30 Sep 22 20470
31 Oct 22 25590
30 Nov 22 21277
31 Dec 22 21181
31 Jan 23 21499
28 Feb 23 19875
31 Mar 23 18990
30 Apr 23 18593
31 May 23 18467
30 Jun 23 19964
31 Jul 23 19254
31 Aug 23 19092
30 Sep 23 19574
31 Oct 23 17183
30 Nov 23 15581
31 Dec 23 19034
31 Jan 24 18453
29 Feb 24 16511
31 Mar 24 19367
30 Apr 24 18876

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[a] Owing to the seasonal adjustment of this series, it may not equal the sum of its institutional or instrumental breakdown. The residuals can be found on the Bank's Interactive Database (see LPMB3SH for the institutional residual and LPMB95L for the instrumental residual).