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Date Monthly changes of total sterling net secured lending to individuals (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Jan 19 3662
28 Feb 19 3445
31 Mar 19 4073
30 Apr 19 4074
31 May 19 3130
30 Jun 19 4017
31 Jul 19 5087
31 Aug 19 4115
30 Sep 19 4082
31 Oct 19 4786
30 Nov 19 4283
31 Dec 19 4686
31 Jan 20 4380
29 Feb 20 4577
31 Mar 20 4885
30 Apr 20 37
31 May 20 247
30 Jun 20 1965
31 Jul 20 2837
31 Aug 20 3161
30 Sep 20 5372
31 Oct 20 5179
30 Nov 20 6911
31 Dec 20 6603
31 Jan 21 6147
28 Feb 21 7860
31 Mar 21 11441
30 Apr 21 3023
31 May 21 4499
30 Jun 21 17130
31 Jul 21 -1734
31 Aug 21 4292
30 Sep 21 9882
31 Oct 21 1550
30 Nov 21 3603
31 Dec 21 4191
31 Jan 22 6138
28 Feb 22 5110
31 Mar 22 7233
30 Apr 22 4060
31 May 22 6375
30 Jun 22 5073
31 Jul 22 4408
31 Aug 22 5358
30 Sep 22 5713
31 Oct 22 2929
30 Nov 22 3340
31 Dec 22 2079
31 Jan 23 1901
28 Feb 23 555
31 Mar 23 -85
30 Apr 23 -1373
31 May 23 -297
30 Jun 23 -144
31 Jul 23 133
31 Aug 23 1064
30 Sep 23 -928
31 Oct 23 149
30 Nov 23 158
31 Dec 23 -704
31 Jan 24 -794
29 Feb 24 1754
31 Mar 24 322
30 Apr 24 2361

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[a] Owing to the seasonal adjustment of this series, it may not equal the sum of its institutional breakdown. The residual can be found on the Bank's Interactive Database (LPMB3A5).

[b] Please note that the compilation and descriptions of some credit series have changed from publication of April 2015 data, as described in Bankstats, April 2015, 'Changes to the treatment of loan transfers and lending to housing associations', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1apr15.pdf.