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Date Monthly value of total sterling approvals for secured lending to individuals (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 19 21726
28 Feb 19 21467
31 Mar 19 21367
30 Apr 19 21690
31 May 19 21720
30 Jun 19 22100
31 Jul 19 22425
31 Aug 19 22526
30 Sep 19 22637
31 Oct 19 22700
30 Nov 19 22980
31 Dec 19 23268
31 Jan 20 23952
29 Feb 20 24722
31 Mar 20 19512
30 Apr 20 9261
31 May 20 7106
30 Jun 20 15783
31 Jul 20 21677
31 Aug 20 25340
30 Sep 20 27188
31 Oct 20 28489
30 Nov 20 30142
31 Dec 20 29230
31 Jan 21 27763
28 Feb 21 25442
31 Mar 21 24378
30 Apr 21 26172
31 May 21 26654
30 Jun 21 25213
31 Jul 21 24150
31 Aug 21 24190
30 Sep 21 25033
31 Oct 21 25149
30 Nov 21 26347
31 Dec 21 26836
31 Jan 22 27370
28 Feb 22 27262
31 Mar 22 27345
30 Apr 22 26369
31 May 22 26397
30 Jun 22 25266
31 Jul 22 26845
31 Aug 22 28732
30 Sep 22 26678
31 Oct 22 25196
30 Nov 22 17081
31 Dec 22 14239
31 Jan 23 13489
28 Feb 23 15327
31 Mar 23 18344
30 Apr 23 17898
31 May 23 18740
30 Jun 23 20928
31 Jul 23 19875
31 Aug 23 15081
30 Sep 23 14076
31 Oct 23 15839
30 Nov 23 16257
31 Dec 23 18185
31 Jan 24 19209
29 Feb 24 22660
31 Mar 24 22280
30 Apr 24 20537

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[a] Owing to the seasonal adjustment of this series, it may not equal the sum of its institutional or instrumental breakdown. The residuals can be found on the Bank's Interactive Database (see LPMB3A6 for the institutional residual and LPMB3C9 for the instrumental residual).