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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling consumer credit lending to individuals (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Jan 19 134703
28 Feb 19 134118
31 Mar 19 134137
30 Apr 19 134310
31 May 19 134304
30 Jun 19 134347
31 Jul 19 134009
31 Aug 19 133909
30 Sep 19 133839
31 Oct 19 133589
30 Nov 19 133372
31 Dec 19 131918
31 Jan 20 131835
29 Feb 20 131587
31 Mar 20 128897
30 Apr 20 122496
31 May 20 119289
30 Jun 20 118244
31 Jul 20 118109
31 Aug 20 117242
30 Sep 20 115867
31 Oct 20 114715
30 Nov 20 113135
31 Dec 20 112255
31 Jan 21 109605
28 Feb 21 108621
31 Mar 21 108398
30 Apr 21 108389
31 May 21 108575
30 Jun 21 108493
31 Jul 21 108963
31 Aug 21 109244
30 Sep 21 109591
31 Oct 21 108006
30 Nov 21 108658
31 Dec 21 108915
31 Jan 22 109012
28 Feb 22 109682
31 Mar 22 110485
30 Apr 22 111234
31 May 22 111865
30 Jun 22 112384
31 Jul 22 112968
31 Aug 22 113230
30 Sep 22 113688
31 Oct 22 113606
30 Nov 22 113527
31 Dec 22 113318
31 Jan 23 115627
28 Feb 23 116529
31 Mar 23 116832
30 Apr 23 117634
31 May 23 118140
30 Jun 23 118583
31 Jul 23 119021
31 Aug 23 119759
30 Sep 23 120248
31 Oct 23 120892
30 Nov 23 121826
31 Dec 23 119451
31 Jan 24 120593
29 Feb 24 121125
31 Mar 24 121635
30 Apr 24 122015

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[a] These series may be affected by securitisations and loan transfers up to December 2009.

[b] Please note that the compilation and descriptions of some credit series have changed from publication of April 2015 data, as described in Bankstats, April 2015, 'Changes to the treatment of loan transfers and lending to housing associations', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1apr15.pdf.