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Date Monthly changes of monetary financial institutions' sterling holdings of securities issued by private sector (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 19 -331
28 Feb 19 -66
31 Mar 19 715
30 Apr 19 -520
31 May 19 43
30 Jun 19 2981
31 Jul 19 1517
31 Aug 19 -1567
30 Sep 19 1412
31 Oct 19 -265
30 Nov 19 307
31 Dec 19 4326
31 Jan 20 -496
29 Feb 20 -1872
31 Mar 20 3150
30 Apr 20 -2738
31 May 20 2100
30 Jun 20 6115
31 Jul 20 -863
31 Aug 20 -3415
30 Sep 20 2828
31 Oct 20 231
30 Nov 20 -1322
31 Dec 20 1693
31 Jan 21 -3141
28 Feb 21 -968
31 Mar 21 565
30 Apr 21 -1572
31 May 21 2523
30 Jun 21 -2291
31 Jul 21 -274
31 Aug 21 -928
30 Sep 21 794
31 Oct 21 -3049
30 Nov 21 8017
31 Dec 21 560
31 Jan 22 532
28 Feb 22 221
31 Mar 22 -1536
30 Apr 22 -151
31 May 22 39
30 Jun 22 52
31 Jul 22 -540
31 Aug 22 1390
30 Sep 22 3458
31 Oct 22 1120
30 Nov 22 -3473
31 Dec 22 3365
31 Jan 23 -2133
28 Feb 23 -1137
31 Mar 23 -4281
30 Apr 23 -1960
31 May 23 2132
30 Jun 23 1898
31 Jul 23 -2919
31 Aug 23 -996
30 Sep 23 1482
31 Oct 23 -22
30 Nov 23 500
31 Dec 23 2540
31 Jan 24 -3313
29 Feb 24 -3134
31 Mar 24 206
30 Apr 24 -1565

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[a] This series includes purchases of bonds made as part of the Bank of England's Corporate Bond Purchase Scheme. Data on Central Bank holdings of securities can be found in Bankstats Table B2.2. For further information on the Bank's treatment of securities transactions in credit statistics, see: www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/articles/2015/2may.pdf.