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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling holdings of securities issued by private non-financial corporations (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 19 20685
28 Feb 19 20087
31 Mar 19 22515
30 Apr 19 20997
31 May 19 21874
30 Jun 19 23880
31 Jul 19 25891
31 Aug 19 26105
30 Sep 19 26938
31 Oct 19 23367
30 Nov 19 23203
31 Dec 19 23310
31 Jan 20 21900
29 Feb 20 19032
31 Mar 20 17140
30 Apr 20 16055
31 May 20 18988
30 Jun 20 20585
31 Jul 20 20699
31 Aug 20 20454
30 Sep 20 21826
31 Oct 20 22070
30 Nov 20 24033
31 Dec 20 28939
31 Jan 21 28176
28 Feb 21 28095
31 Mar 21 31584
30 Apr 21 29836
31 May 21 28597
30 Jun 21 29166
31 Jul 21 27858
31 Aug 21 28247
30 Sep 21 26842
31 Oct 21 26989
30 Nov 21 26275
31 Dec 21 27319
31 Jan 22 23541
28 Feb 22 24500
31 Mar 22 30851
30 Apr 22 32786
31 May 22 32884
30 Jun 22 26820
31 Jul 22 29054
31 Aug 22 26746
30 Sep 22 25860
31 Oct 22 26298
30 Nov 22 23228
31 Dec 22 22406
31 Jan 23 23943
28 Feb 23 21320
31 Mar 23 28253
30 Apr 23 25653
31 May 23 22520
30 Jun 23 18958
31 Jul 23 16839
31 Aug 23 15993
30 Sep 23 15300
31 Oct 23 16333
30 Nov 23 16685
31 Dec 23 17786
31 Jan 24 17569
29 Feb 24 19689
31 Mar 24 23864
30 Apr 24 20014

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[a] This series includes purchases of bonds made as part of the Bank of England's Corporate Bond Purchase Scheme. Data on Central Bank holdings of securities can be found in Bankstats Table B2.2. For further information on the Bank's treatment of securities transactions in credit statistics, see: www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/articles/2015/2may.pdf.