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Date Monthly average amount outstanding of Central Bank sterling operational deposit facility for monetary policy not seasonally adjusted (in sterling millions)
[a] [b]
07 Feb 19 0
21 Mar 19 0
02 May 19 0
20 Jun 19 0
01 Aug 19 0
19 Sep 19 0
07 Nov 19 0
19 Dec 19 0
30 Jan 20 0
26 Mar 20 0
07 May 20 0
18 Jun 20 0
06 Aug 20 406
17 Sep 20 0
05 Nov 20 0
17 Dec 20 104
04 Feb 21 0
18 Mar 21 53
06 May 21 0
24 Jun 21 8
05 Aug 21 0
23 Sep 21 184
04 Nov 21 510
16 Dec 21 1638
03 Feb 22 3
17 Mar 22 1
05 May 22 0
16 Jun 22 315
04 Aug 22 481
22 Sep 22 6512
03 Nov 22 2240
15 Dec 22 0
02 Feb 23 214
23 Mar 23 0
11 May 23 5
01 Jun 23 1
03 Aug 23 0
21 Sep 23 1
02 Nov 23 0
14 Dec 23 0
01 Feb 24 0
21 Mar 24 0
09 May 24 0

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[a] Including weekends.

[b] The dates for this series represent the month of the start date of the Maintenance Period for which the data point relates.