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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of other specialist lenders' sterling net secured lending to individuals (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [c] [d]
31 Mar 10 162763
30 Jun 10 159967
30 Sep 10 186075
31 Dec 10 184627
31 Mar 11 182935
30 Jun 11 181197
30 Sep 11 179364
31 Dec 11 179481
31 Mar 12 178348
30 Jun 12 180749
30 Sep 12 178871
31 Dec 12 177475
31 Mar 13 176627
30 Jun 13 175352
30 Sep 13 174018
31 Dec 13 171194
31 Mar 14 169634
30 Jun 14 168446
30 Sep 14 166910
31 Dec 14 111019
31 Mar 15 113999
30 Jun 15 114240
30 Sep 15 112413
31 Dec 15 112859
31 Mar 16 115003
30 Jun 16 115227
30 Sep 16 114171
31 Dec 16 113035
31 Mar 17 112358
30 Jun 17 111605
30 Sep 17 105335
31 Dec 17 104211
31 Mar 18 103915
30 Jun 18 104742
30 Sep 18 104856
31 Dec 18 105970
31 Mar 19 107066
30 Jun 19 108167
30 Sep 19 107666
31 Dec 19 108632
31 Mar 20 109772
30 Jun 20 110267
30 Sep 20 111007
31 Dec 20 111837
31 Mar 21 113622
30 Jun 21 115589
30 Sep 21 113036
31 Dec 21 113885
31 Mar 22 115836
30 Jun 22 116640
30 Sep 22 118105
31 Dec 22 117559
31 Mar 23 113352
30 Jun 23 112834
30 Sep 23 111893
31 Dec 23 111158
31 Mar 24 111877
30 Jun 24 113478

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[a] These series may be affected by securitisations and loan transfers up to December 2009.

[b] Please note that the compilation and descriptions of some credit series have changed from publication of April 2015 data, as described in Bankstats, April 2015, 'Changes to the treatment of loan transfers and lending to housing associations', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1apr15.pdf.

[c] Due to changes to reporting of securitised loans, along with related liabilities, the amount outstanding of this series has decreased by £166bn. The movement has been adjusted out of the flows for Q1 2010. For further details please see http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/documents/ms/articles/art1feb10.pdf. (31 Mar 2010)

[d] Due to a restructuring of a reporting institution, amounts outstanding of lending by MFIs have fallen by £26bn, and amounts outstanding of lending by OSLs have increased by £26bn. This movement has been adjusted out of the flows for Q1 2010. (31 Mar 2010)