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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling retail M4 liabilities to private sector (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 1207131
30 Jun 10 1211469
30 Sep 10 1214118
31 Dec 10 1235011
31 Mar 11 1242474
30 Jun 11 1250626
30 Sep 11 1254511
31 Dec 11 1271655
31 Mar 12 1284920
30 Jun 12 1301427
30 Sep 12 1319964
31 Dec 12 1341578
31 Mar 13 1363298
30 Jun 13 1381534
30 Sep 13 1393175
31 Dec 13 1413368
31 Mar 14 1444506
30 Jun 14 1465602
30 Sep 14 1477568
31 Dec 14 1501464
31 Mar 15 1516626
30 Jun 15 1542003
30 Sep 15 1556423
31 Dec 15 1589798
31 Mar 16 1561459
30 Jun 16 1588272
30 Sep 16 1619034
31 Dec 16 1639290
31 Mar 17 1645085
30 Jun 17 1664050
30 Sep 17 1675099
31 Dec 17 1689950
31 Mar 18 1701037
30 Jun 18 1721797
30 Sep 18 1731994
31 Dec 18 1754417
31 Mar 19 1757115
30 Jun 19 1782387
30 Sep 19 1806477
31 Dec 19 1823216
31 Mar 20 1877100
30 Jun 20 1981850
30 Sep 20 2014889
31 Dec 20 2084250
31 Mar 21 2134994
30 Jun 21 2182791
30 Sep 21 2202330
31 Dec 21 2222443
31 Mar 22 2236014
30 Jun 22 2250565
30 Sep 22 2278189
31 Dec 22 2288213
31 Mar 23 2263791
30 Jun 23 2252972
30 Sep 23 2248514
31 Dec 23 2268553
31 Mar 24 2285646
30 Jun 24 2308007

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[a] A minor change was made to the definition of Retail M4 in October 2007. From October data onwards, non-interest-bearing bank deposits are only included in Retail M4 when reporters identify them explicitly as being taken from retail sources. There was also a change to the reporting population in October 2007. Consequently there was a break in the amount outstanding of Retail M4 in October 2007. The effect of this has been removed from the flows data.