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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of UK resident monetary financial institutions' sterling and all foreign currency credit facilities granted to firms involved in retail trade and repair (excl. motor vehicles and motorcycles) (in sterling mill
[a] [b] [c] [d] [e]
31 Jan 10 33557
28 Feb 10 34784
31 Mar 10 33445
30 Apr 10 32876
31 May 10 33229
30 Jun 10 33135
31 Jul 10 32994
31 Aug 10 32516
30 Sep 10 32518
31 Oct 10 32486
30 Nov 10 32185
31 Dec 10 32543
31 Jan 11 32955
28 Feb 11 33244
31 Mar 11 33295
30 Apr 11 32521
31 May 11 31598
30 Jun 11 31349
31 Jul 11 31400
31 Aug 11 30636
30 Sep 11 31178
31 Oct 11 31026
30 Nov 11 31199
31 Dec 11 30975
31 Jan 12 30859
29 Feb 12 30038
31 Mar 12 30611
30 Apr 12 30022
31 May 12 30018
30 Jun 12 29776
31 Jul 12 30309
31 Aug 12 29809
30 Sep 12 30232
31 Oct 12 29506
30 Nov 12 29863
31 Dec 12 29124
31 Jan 13 29489
28 Feb 13 29639
31 Mar 13 29145
30 Apr 13 29364
31 May 13 29184
30 Jun 13 28956
31 Jul 13 28809
31 Aug 13 27599
30 Sep 13 28137
31 Oct 13 27843
30 Nov 13 28388
31 Dec 13 28961
31 Jan 14 29200
28 Feb 14 29921
31 Mar 14 29656
30 Apr 14 29518
31 May 14 30172
30 Jun 14 30424
31 Jul 14 30078
31 Aug 14 30692
30 Sep 14 32689
31 Oct 14 34209
30 Nov 14 32907
31 Dec 14 34258
31 Jan 15 33688
28 Feb 15 33228
31 Mar 15 34132
30 Apr 15 31970
31 May 15 31972
30 Jun 15 32203
31 Jul 15 32410
31 Aug 15 32652
30 Sep 15 32658
31 Oct 15 32666
30 Nov 15 32964
31 Dec 15 33151
31 Jan 16 33424
29 Feb 16 33951
31 Mar 16 34151
30 Apr 16 34568
31 May 16 34613
30 Jun 16 34713
31 Jul 16 34733
31 Aug 16 33997
30 Sep 16 34594
31 Oct 16 34463
30 Nov 16 34795
31 Dec 16 35555
31 Jan 17 35513
28 Feb 17 35403
31 Mar 17 35260
30 Apr 17 35274
31 May 17 35614
30 Jun 17 35553
31 Jul 17 35767
31 Aug 17 36203
30 Sep 17 36978
31 Oct 17 37473
30 Nov 17 37722
31 Dec 17 38167
31 Jan 18 37392
28 Feb 18 39743
31 Mar 18 38713
30 Apr 18 38567
31 May 18 38418
30 Jun 18 39951
31 Jul 18 39660
31 Aug 18 39112
30 Sep 18 39637
31 Oct 18 39357
30 Nov 18 40289
31 Dec 18 40432
31 Jan 19 39342
28 Feb 19 39606
31 Mar 19 40465
30 Apr 19 38809
31 May 19 38327
30 Jun 19 38402
31 Jul 19 38213
31 Aug 19 38467
30 Sep 19 38783
31 Oct 19 39940
30 Nov 19 39613
31 Dec 19 39095
31 Jan 20 39876
29 Feb 20 39829
31 Mar 20 39668
30 Apr 20 39196
31 May 20 42333
30 Jun 20 42357
31 Jul 20 44841
31 Aug 20 43247
30 Sep 20 42742
31 Oct 20 42697
30 Nov 20 43125
31 Dec 20 42326
31 Jan 21 42167
28 Feb 21 45949
31 Mar 21 44394
30 Apr 21 44261
31 May 21 44117
30 Jun 21 43403
31 Jul 21 46356
31 Aug 21 48267
30 Sep 21 48419
31 Oct 21 43301
30 Nov 21 44552
31 Dec 21 44753
31 Jan 22 44004
28 Feb 22 43975
31 Mar 22 44364
30 Apr 22 43057
31 May 22 41826
30 Jun 22 41860
31 Jul 22 41285
31 Aug 22 40797
30 Sep 22 40346
31 Oct 22 40071
30 Nov 22 39664
31 Dec 22 40831
31 Jan 23 40660
28 Feb 23 40120
31 Mar 23 39971
30 Apr 23 40236
31 May 23 39536
30 Jun 23 38946
31 Jul 23 38648
31 Aug 23 38473
30 Sep 23 38888
31 Oct 23 37516
30 Nov 23 37278
31 Dec 23 37076
31 Jan 24 35710
29 Feb 24 35854
31 Mar 24 35895
30 Apr 24 35974
31 May 24 36495
30 Jun 24 35558
31 Jul 24 34951

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[a] Due to a change in treatment at one institution, the amounts outstanding decreased by £4bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for April 2015. (30 Apr 2015)

[b] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £1bn.  This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for April 2015. (30 Apr 2015)

[c] Due to improvements in reporting by one institution, amounts outstanding increased by £1bn. This amount has been adjusted out of the flows for September 2017. (30 Sep 2017)

[d] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £1bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for January 2018. (31 Jan 2018)

[e] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £1bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for May 2018. (31 May 2018)