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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency foreign claims (by ultimate risk) on Non-financial corporations (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Pakistan not seasonally adjusted

31 Mar 14 388
30 Jun 14 414
30 Sep 14 383
31 Dec 14 351
31 Mar 15 615
30 Jun 15 289
30 Sep 15 212
31 Dec 15 222
31 Mar 16 165
30 Jun 16 146
30 Sep 16 136
31 Dec 16 173
31 Mar 17 248
30 Jun 17 2397
30 Sep 17 2098
31 Dec 17 1929
31 Mar 18 2032
30 Jun 18 2086
30 Sep 18 2025
31 Dec 18 1708
31 Mar 19 1889
30 Jun 19 1837
30 Sep 19 1797
31 Dec 19 1704
31 Mar 20 1904
30 Jun 20 1457
30 Sep 20 1259
31 Dec 20 1499
31 Mar 21 1741
30 Jun 21 1799
30 Sep 21 1765
31 Dec 21 1810
31 Mar 22 1864
30 Jun 22 1584
30 Sep 22 1205
31 Dec 22 1094
31 Mar 23 851
30 Jun 23 785
30 Sep 23 861
31 Dec 23 780
31 Mar 24 881

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