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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency cross-border claims (by ultimate risk) on non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Guinea not seasonally adjusted

30 Sep 15 2
31 Dec 15 1
31 Mar 16 1
30 Jun 16 1
30 Sep 16 1
31 Dec 16 1
31 Mar 17 1
30 Jun 17 1
30 Sep 17 1
31 Dec 17 3
31 Mar 18 3
30 Jun 18 3
30 Sep 18 1
31 Dec 18 1
31 Mar 19 1
30 Jun 19 0
30 Sep 19 0
31 Dec 19 0
31 Mar 20 0
30 Jun 20 0
30 Sep 20 0
31 Dec 20 0
31 Mar 21 0
30 Jun 21 0
30 Sep 21 0
31 Dec 21 0
31 Mar 22 0
30 Jun 22 1
30 Sep 22 1
31 Dec 22 1
31 Mar 23 1
30 Jun 23 0
30 Sep 23 0
31 Dec 23 0
31 Mar 24 0

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