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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency foreign claims over 6 months to 1 year (by immediate borrower) on non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Germany not seasonally adjusted

31 Mar 10 6965
30 Jun 10 10370
30 Sep 10 5628
31 Dec 10 5241
31 Mar 11 9552
30 Jun 11 11777
30 Sep 11 11709
31 Dec 11 8047
31 Mar 12 9630
30 Jun 12 12638
30 Sep 12 8052
31 Dec 12 6451
31 Mar 13 5723
30 Jun 13 6695
30 Sep 13 4052
31 Dec 13 2096
31 Mar 14 4780
30 Jun 14 6829
30 Sep 14 9995
31 Dec 14 6474
31 Mar 15 3496
30 Jun 15 3018
30 Sep 15 879
31 Dec 15 1000
31 Mar 16 2939
30 Jun 16 1211
30 Sep 16 1154
31 Dec 16 471
31 Mar 17 366
30 Jun 17 891
30 Sep 17 582
31 Dec 17 944
31 Mar 18 1284
30 Jun 18 2808
30 Sep 18 1867
31 Dec 18 771
31 Mar 19 1410
30 Jun 19 1431
30 Sep 19 1347
31 Dec 19 1209
31 Mar 20 1842
30 Jun 20 16786
30 Sep 20 1274
31 Dec 20 19421
31 Mar 21 2893
30 Jun 21 4971
30 Sep 21 3604
31 Dec 21 4270
31 Mar 22 3822
30 Jun 22 3831
30 Sep 22 2867
31 Dec 22 3497
31 Mar 23 5070
30 Jun 23 5663
30 Sep 23 7924
31 Dec 23 6660
31 Mar 24 5458

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