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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency inward risk transfers of foreign claims on other financial corporations (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Netherlands not seasonally adjusted

31 Mar 14 382
30 Jun 14 354
30 Sep 14 490
31 Dec 14 437
31 Mar 15 711
30 Jun 15 200
30 Sep 15 229
31 Dec 15 656
31 Mar 16 680
30 Jun 16 712
30 Sep 16 600
31 Dec 16 690
31 Mar 17 937
30 Jun 17 838
30 Sep 17 1071
31 Dec 17 1156
31 Mar 18 1518
30 Jun 18 1361
30 Sep 18 1069
31 Dec 18 1019
31 Mar 19 1508
30 Jun 19 1293
30 Sep 19 1210
31 Dec 19 1351
31 Mar 20 2271
30 Jun 20 1683
30 Sep 20 1427
31 Dec 20 1429
31 Mar 21 1080
30 Jun 21 645
30 Sep 21 735
31 Dec 21 726
31 Mar 22 473
30 Jun 22 821
30 Sep 22 1044
31 Dec 22 544
31 Mar 23 348
30 Jun 23 116
30 Sep 23 105
31 Dec 23 77
31 Mar 24 99
30 Jun 24 92

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