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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency credit commitments (by immediate borrower) given to non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis France not seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 45927
30 Jun 10 41804
30 Sep 10 47369
31 Dec 10 48556
31 Mar 11 53886
30 Jun 11 55825
30 Sep 11 50368
31 Dec 11 51941
31 Mar 12 50877
30 Jun 12 49262
30 Sep 12 60047
31 Dec 12 62281
31 Mar 13 60115
30 Jun 13 61625
30 Sep 13 69144
31 Dec 13 69244
31 Mar 14 69381
30 Jun 14 67993
30 Sep 14 63120
31 Dec 14 59790
31 Mar 15 51789
30 Jun 15 53914
30 Sep 15 53801
31 Dec 15 51211
31 Mar 16 55434
30 Jun 16 43467
30 Sep 16 43981
31 Dec 16 41505
31 Mar 17 41368
30 Jun 17 45340
30 Sep 17 47226
31 Dec 17 46295
31 Mar 18 47840
30 Jun 18 47393
30 Sep 18 86038
31 Dec 18 68955
31 Mar 19 74608
30 Jun 19 75194
30 Sep 19 71859
31 Dec 19 68512
31 Mar 20 67288
30 Jun 20 76749
30 Sep 20 72641
31 Dec 20 68401
31 Mar 21 71062
30 Jun 21 68676
30 Sep 21 64433
31 Dec 21 51874
31 Mar 22 63576
30 Jun 22 73567
30 Sep 22 53121
31 Dec 22 52310
31 Mar 23 54536
30 Jun 23 54925
30 Sep 23 53992
31 Dec 23 54571
31 Mar 24 54568

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[a] Due to reporting improvements, other credit commitments on France have been affected by approximately +$4.8bn. (31 Mar 2019)