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Date Monthly changes of monetary financial institutions' sterling loans to private non-financial corporations (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 14 -2538
28 Feb 14 -366
31 Mar 14 -3114
30 Apr 14 427
31 May 14 716
30 Jun 14 -1397
31 Jul 14 -19
31 Aug 14 -177
30 Sep 14 -143
31 Oct 14 -2103
30 Nov 14 -579
31 Dec 14 776
31 Jan 15 -260
28 Feb 15 767
31 Mar 15 1395
30 Apr 15 1645
31 May 15 -1195
30 Jun 15 -2797
31 Jul 15 1291
31 Aug 15 180
30 Sep 15 1115
31 Oct 15 1486
30 Nov 15 598
31 Dec 15 -842
31 Jan 16 3659
29 Feb 16 2330
31 Mar 16 -334
30 Apr 16 822
31 May 16 839
30 Jun 16 2041
31 Jul 16 1497
31 Aug 16 1341
30 Sep 16 -218
31 Oct 16 696
30 Nov 16 293
31 Dec 16 -432
31 Jan 17 1691
28 Feb 17 695
31 Mar 17 1473
30 Apr 17 827
31 May 17 2056
30 Jun 17 298
31 Jul 17 1242
31 Aug 17 1195
30 Sep 17 316
31 Oct 17 246
30 Nov 17 92
31 Dec 17 448
31 Jan 18 348
28 Feb 18 1989
31 Mar 18 546
30 Apr 18 692
31 May 18 334
30 Jun 18 2298
31 Jul 18 1917
31 Aug 18 133
30 Sep 18 1326
31 Oct 18 2754
30 Nov 18 3378
31 Dec 18 3039
31 Jan 19 2964
28 Feb 19 115
31 Mar 19 611
30 Apr 19 2257
31 May 19 1074
30 Jun 19 2115
31 Jul 19 1325
31 Aug 19 2290

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[a] Please note that the compilation and descriptions of some credit series have changed from publication of April 2015 data, as described in Bankstats, April 2015, 'Changes to the treatment of loan transfers and lending to housing associations', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1apr15.pdf.