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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling and all foreign currency loans (excluding overdrafts) and reverse repos to health and social work organisations (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted

31 Jan 16 19802
29 Feb 16 19827
31 Mar 16 19860
30 Apr 16 19596
31 May 16 19780
30 Jun 16 19977
31 Jul 16 20077
31 Aug 16 19897
30 Sep 16 19854
31 Oct 16 20056
30 Nov 16 19945
31 Dec 16 19393
31 Jan 17 19683
28 Feb 17 19708
31 Mar 17 19822
30 Apr 17 19545
31 May 17 19673
30 Jun 17 19799
31 Jul 17 19751
31 Aug 17 20003
30 Sep 17 19386
31 Oct 17 19654
30 Nov 17 19884
31 Dec 17 19373
31 Jan 18 19529
28 Feb 18 19752
31 Mar 18 19675
30 Apr 18 19680
31 May 18 19803
30 Jun 18 19574
31 Jul 18 19634
31 Aug 18 19588
30 Sep 18 19563
31 Oct 18 19932
30 Nov 18 19770
31 Dec 18 19472
31 Jan 19 19746
28 Feb 19 19826
31 Mar 19 19622
30 Apr 19 19673
31 May 19 19726
30 Jun 19 19754
31 Jul 19 19564
31 Aug 19 19639

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