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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' all foreign currency other liabilities (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Jan 14 228179
28 Feb 14 192771
31 Mar 14 201766
30 Apr 14 199670
31 May 14 186244
30 Jun 14 199789
31 Jul 14 176847
31 Aug 14 166168
30 Sep 14 196696
31 Oct 14 166353
30 Nov 14 175453
31 Dec 14 165745
31 Jan 15 154036
28 Feb 15 153166
31 Mar 15 178921
30 Apr 15 190929
31 May 15 172962
30 Jun 15 179470
31 Jul 15 159985
31 Aug 15 145922
30 Sep 15 126742
31 Oct 15 138585
30 Nov 15 153565
31 Dec 15 165995
31 Jan 16 179012
29 Feb 16 203328
31 Mar 16 191690
30 Apr 16 205058
31 May 16 187700
30 Jun 16 220168
31 Jul 16 231860
31 Aug 16 229348
30 Sep 16 243870
31 Oct 16 283112
30 Nov 16 235508
31 Dec 16 246180
31 Jan 17 220183
28 Feb 17 241162
31 Mar 17 223483
30 Apr 17 207560
31 May 17 178343
30 Jun 17 191364
31 Jul 17 207268
31 Aug 17 189089
30 Sep 17 168062
31 Oct 17 176152
30 Nov 17 176519
31 Dec 17 175336
31 Jan 18 176268
28 Feb 18 203569
31 Mar 18 189886
30 Apr 18 193514
31 May 18 182717
30 Jun 18 182507
31 Jul 18 193687
31 Aug 18 173450
30 Sep 18 164124
31 Oct 18 175794
30 Nov 18 169050
31 Dec 18 140081
31 Jan 19 136526
28 Feb 19 128934
31 Mar 19 133642
30 Apr 19 143558
31 May 19 187113
30 Jun 19 164795
31 Jul 19 152991
31 Aug 19 136093

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[a] Due to a restructuring at one reporting institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £13bn. The effect has been adjusted out of the flows for January 2014. (31 Jan 2014)

[b] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding decreased by £11bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for July 2014. (31 Jul 2014)