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Date Monthly changes of M4 (monetary financial institutions' sterling M4 liabilities to private sector) (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 14 9019
28 Feb 14 17607
31 Mar 14 -31442
30 Apr 14 -10019
31 May 14 -5509
30 Jun 14 8073
31 Jul 14 -8425
31 Aug 14 2822
30 Sep 14 -1028
31 Oct 14 -12272
30 Nov 14 975
31 Dec 14 8501
31 Jan 15 -11796
28 Feb 15 -6564
31 Mar 15 20588
30 Apr 15 4355
31 May 15 6562
30 Jun 15 -10056
31 Jul 15 11506
31 Aug 15 -15691
30 Sep 15 -8609
31 Oct 15 4909
30 Nov 15 10295
31 Dec 15 544
31 Jan 16 2068
29 Feb 16 17423
31 Mar 16 5494
30 Apr 16 -6156
31 May 16 24558
30 Jun 16 29096
31 Jul 16 20139
31 Aug 16 15618
30 Sep 16 3901
31 Oct 16 16924
30 Nov 16 7574
31 Dec 16 -4308
31 Jan 17 17177
28 Feb 17 -5569
31 Mar 17 27498
30 Apr 17 23408
31 May 17 -4149
30 Jun 17 1470
31 Jul 17 -995
31 Aug 17 17826
30 Sep 17 10437
31 Oct 17 3803
30 Nov 17 1229
31 Dec 17 -6588
31 Jan 18 29617
28 Feb 18 -8634
31 Mar 18 -16758
30 Apr 18 -2402
31 May 18 15809
30 Jun 18 -2497
31 Jul 18 4902
31 Aug 18 -666
30 Sep 18 354
31 Oct 18 9309
30 Nov 18 -2146
31 Dec 18 20643
31 Jan 19 -4532
28 Feb 19 6999
31 Mar 19 5906
30 Apr 19 13680
31 May 19 -1998
30 Jun 19 2286
31 Jul 19 13680
31 Aug 19 16268

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[a] Changes were introduced with effect from the publication of May 2019 data, following a review. The construction of this series now includes a seasonally adjusted intermediate other financial corporation (IOFC) component. Previously, this component was not seasonally adjusted. (31 Aug 1996 onward)