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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling and all foreign currency M1 (UK estimate of EMU aggregate) liabilities to private and public sectors (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [c] [d] [e]
31 Jan 15 1374147
28 Feb 15 1367558
31 Mar 15 1402650
30 Apr 15 1393977
31 May 15 1403350
30 Jun 15 1417322
31 Jul 15 1427605
31 Aug 15 1422947
30 Sep 15 1444924
31 Oct 15 1454742
30 Nov 15 1467135
31 Dec 15 1460532
31 Jan 16 1471261
29 Feb 16 1499729
31 Mar 16 1522403
30 Apr 16 1507905
31 May 16 1531728
30 Jun 16 1596184
31 Jul 16 1597060
31 Aug 16 1603433
30 Sep 16 1609311
31 Oct 16 1618050
30 Nov 16 1616999
31 Dec 16 1622180
31 Jan 17 1606038
28 Feb 17 1613995
31 Mar 17 1650695
30 Apr 17 1644303
31 May 17 1663339
30 Jun 17 1675576
31 Jul 17 1671181
31 Aug 17 1684731
30 Sep 17 1702523
31 Oct 17 1695412
30 Nov 17 1705048
31 Dec 17 1701758
31 Jan 18 1699029
28 Feb 18 1694052
31 Mar 18 1702449
30 Apr 18 1701769
31 May 18 1730964
30 Jun 18 1749894
31 Jul 18 1740079
31 Aug 18 1747531
30 Sep 18 1763645
31 Oct 18 1784344
30 Nov 18 1785541
31 Dec 18 1775685
31 Jan 19 1747380
28 Feb 19 1736825
31 Mar 19 1754522
30 Apr 19 1750726
31 May 19 1763612
30 Jun 19 1773700
31 Jul 19 1776656
31 Aug 19 1797051
30 Sep 19 1811871
31 Oct 19 1799648
30 Nov 19 1819234
31 Dec 19 1812159
31 Jan 20 1806042
29 Feb 20 1825177
31 Mar 20 1949252
30 Apr 20 1974869
31 May 20 2025615
30 Jun 20 2051540
31 Jul 20 2065899

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[a] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £9bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for June 2016. (30 Jun 2016)

[b] In order to bring reporting in line with the National Accounts, English housing associations were reclassified from PNFCs to public corporations with effect from July 2017 data. The amounts outstanding decreased by £3bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for July 2017. (31 Jul 2017)

[c] Due to a change in group structure by one reporting institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £6bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for September 2017. (30 Sep 2017)

[d] Due to improvements in reporting by one institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £6bn. This amount has been adjusted out of the flows for September 2017. (30 Sep 2017)

[e] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £5bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for January 2018. (31 Jan 2018)