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Date Monthly changes of other lenders (excluding the Student Loans Company) sterling net lending to individuals (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Jan 15 597
28 Feb 15 136
31 Mar 15 1416
30 Apr 15 827
31 May 15 640
30 Jun 15 338
31 Jul 15 583
31 Aug 15 165
30 Sep 15 1601
31 Oct 15 423
30 Nov 15 788
31 Dec 15 848
31 Jan 16 692
29 Feb 16 502
31 Mar 16 2352
30 Apr 16 441
31 May 16 515
30 Jun 16 913
31 Jul 16 113
31 Aug 16 -35
30 Sep 16 1394
31 Oct 16 277
30 Nov 16 806
31 Dec 16 613
31 Jan 17 546
28 Feb 17 195
31 Mar 17 1638
30 Apr 17 928
31 May 17 1061
30 Jun 17 1259
31 Jul 17 1265
31 Aug 17 1088
30 Sep 17 2382
31 Oct 17 1458
30 Nov 17 2210
31 Dec 17 1010
31 Jan 18 979
28 Feb 18 843
31 Mar 18 2033
30 Apr 18 1590
31 May 18 1502
30 Jun 18 1396
31 Jul 18 997
31 Aug 18 1196
30 Sep 18 2036
31 Oct 18 1162
30 Nov 18 1464
31 Dec 18 574
31 Jan 19 1349
28 Feb 19 935
31 Mar 19 2004
30 Apr 19 1043
31 May 19 1111
30 Jun 19 1549
31 Jul 19 1204
31 Aug 19 499
30 Sep 19 2268
31 Oct 19 1655
30 Nov 19 1685
31 Dec 19 1337
31 Jan 20 1062
29 Feb 20 893
31 Mar 20 832
30 Apr 20 -1897
31 May 20 -989
30 Jun 20 797

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[a] These series may be affected by securitisations and loan transfers up to December 2009.

[b] Please note that the compilation and descriptions of some credit series have changed from publication of April 2015 data, as described in Bankstats, April 2015, 'Changes to the treatment of loan transfers and lending to housing associations', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1apr15.pdf.