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Date Monthly changes of monetary financial institutions' sterling net consumer credit (excluding credit card) excluding securitisations to individuals (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Jan 15 262
28 Feb 15 307
31 Mar 15 795
30 Apr 15 258
31 May 15 355
30 Jun 15 531
31 Jul 15 652
31 Aug 15 449
30 Sep 15 418
31 Oct 15 553
30 Nov 15 525
31 Dec 15 364
31 Jan 16 621
29 Feb 16 782
31 Mar 16 542
30 Apr 16 368
31 May 16 577
30 Jun 16 684
31 Jul 16 502
31 Aug 16 623
30 Sep 16 627
31 Oct 16 550
30 Nov 16 634
31 Dec 16 137
31 Jan 17 634
28 Feb 17 314
31 Mar 17 749
30 Apr 17 -257
31 May 17 626
30 Jun 17 -24
31 Jul 17 46
31 Aug 17 439
30 Sep 17 23
31 Oct 17 264
30 Nov 17 38
31 Dec 17 420
31 Jan 18 -228
28 Feb 18 201
31 Mar 18 -270
30 Apr 18 403
31 May 18 103
30 Jun 18 177
31 Jul 18 15
31 Aug 18 161
30 Sep 18 367
31 Oct 18 26
30 Nov 18 224
31 Dec 18 292
31 Jan 19 193
28 Feb 19 164
31 Mar 19 151
30 Apr 19 176
31 May 19 147
30 Jun 19 116
31 Jul 19 361
31 Aug 19 153
30 Sep 19 222
31 Oct 19 273
30 Nov 19 128
31 Dec 19 178
31 Jan 20 222
29 Feb 20 165
31 Mar 20 -514
30 Apr 20 -1254
31 May 20 -1774
30 Jun 20 -660
31 Jul 20 -520
31 Aug 20 -621

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[a] Owing to the seasonal adjustment of this series, it may not equal the sum of its component parts. The residual can be found on the Bank's Interactive Database, see LPMZ5I4 for flows and LPMZ5I6 for levels.

[b] Please note that the compilation and descriptions of some credit series have changed from publication of April 2015 data, as described in Bankstats, April 2015, 'Changes to the treatment of loan transfers and lending to housing associations', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1apr15.pdf.