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Date Monthly value of other specialist lenders' sterling approvals for secured lending to individuals (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 15 1832
28 Feb 15 1576
31 Mar 15 1540
30 Apr 15 1505
31 May 15 1271
30 Jun 15 1460
31 Jul 15 1589
31 Aug 15 1450
30 Sep 15 1548
31 Oct 15 1661
30 Nov 15 1659
31 Dec 15 1724
31 Jan 16 1792
29 Feb 16 1781
31 Mar 16 1545
30 Apr 16 1473
31 May 16 1345
30 Jun 16 897
31 Jul 16 928
31 Aug 16 825
30 Sep 16 875
31 Oct 16 1077
30 Nov 16 1155
31 Dec 16 1017
31 Jan 17 767
28 Feb 17 911
31 Mar 17 1013
30 Apr 17 983
31 May 17 1116
30 Jun 17 1193
31 Jul 17 1396
31 Aug 17 1139
30 Sep 17 1148
31 Oct 17 1131
30 Nov 17 1105
31 Dec 17 1107
31 Jan 18 1093
28 Feb 18 1240
31 Mar 18 1255
30 Apr 18 1375
31 May 18 1374
30 Jun 18 1414
31 Jul 18 1492
31 Aug 18 1558
30 Sep 18 1413
31 Oct 18 1495
30 Nov 18 1462
31 Dec 18 1389
31 Jan 19 1637
28 Feb 19 1410
31 Mar 19 1440
30 Apr 19 1395
31 May 19 1333
30 Jun 19 1338
31 Jul 19 1405
31 Aug 19 1371
30 Sep 19 1408
31 Oct 19 1420
30 Nov 19 1356
31 Dec 19 1428
31 Jan 20 1578
29 Feb 20 1559
31 Mar 20 1246
30 Apr 20 759
31 May 20 741

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[a] Owing to the seasonal adjustment of this series, it may not equal the sum of its instrumental breakdown. The residual can be found on the Bank's Interactive Database (LPMZ5GR).