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Date Monthly 1 month growth rate of total sterling notes and coin in circulation outside the Bank of England (in percent) seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Jan 19 0.2
28 Feb 19 0.2
31 Mar 19 0
30 Apr 19 0.1
31 May 19 0
30 Jun 19 0.3
31 Jul 19 0.2
31 Aug 19 0.2
30 Sep 19 0.2
31 Oct 19 -0.1
30 Nov 19 -0.4
31 Dec 19 -0.2
31 Jan 20 0
29 Feb 20 -0.1
31 Mar 20 0.1
30 Apr 20 0
31 May 20 1.6
30 Jun 20 2.7
31 Jul 20 1.8
31 Aug 20 0.8
30 Sep 20 0.6
31 Oct 20 0.6
30 Nov 20 0.4
31 Dec 20 0.5
31 Jan 21 2.1
28 Feb 21 1
31 Mar 21 0.4
30 Apr 21 1.5
31 May 21 0.2
30 Jun 21 0
31 Jul 21 0
31 Aug 21 0.1
30 Sep 21 0.2
31 Oct 21 0.3
30 Nov 21 0
31 Dec 21 -0.7
31 Jan 22 0.3
28 Feb 22 -0.1
31 Mar 22 -0.2
30 Apr 22 0
31 May 22 0
30 Jun 22 -0.1
31 Jul 22 -0.2
31 Aug 22 -0.1
30 Sep 22 -0.2
31 Oct 22 -0.4
30 Nov 22 -0.2
31 Dec 22 0.1
31 Jan 23 0.2
28 Feb 23 0.2
31 Mar 23 -0.1
30 Apr 23 -0.1
31 May 23 0
30 Jun 23 0
31 Jul 23 -0.1
31 Aug 23 -0.1
30 Sep 23 0
31 Oct 23 0.6
30 Nov 23 0.1
31 Dec 23 -0.2
31 Jan 24 0.3
29 Feb 24 0.4

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[a] The seasonal adjustment of this series is under review due to changes in patterns of trading day and holiday effects, particularly from 2013 onwards.

[b] All seasonal adjustment methods are subject to regular review and the methodology for the Notes & Coins data was updated in June 2021. Historical data has been revised for the new methodology applied. For further details, see https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/details/further-details-about-seasonal-adjustment-data (30 Jun 2021)