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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling time deposits, repos and CDs from household sector (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [c]
31 Jan 19 164666
28 Feb 19 165106
31 Mar 19 166125
30 Apr 19 166319
31 May 19 166861
30 Jun 19 166996
31 Jul 19 167130
31 Aug 19 166913
30 Sep 19 166773
31 Oct 19 166980
30 Nov 19 167987
31 Dec 19 167410
31 Jan 20 167468
29 Feb 20 168124
31 Mar 20 166619
30 Apr 20 166967
31 May 20 167050
30 Jun 20 165547
31 Jul 20 162086
31 Aug 20 159242
30 Sep 20 157226
31 Oct 20 159109
30 Nov 20 159698
31 Dec 20 158226
31 Jan 21 157818
28 Feb 21 157212
31 Mar 21 155591
30 Apr 21 152883
31 May 21 151507
30 Jun 21 150197
31 Jul 21 149867
31 Aug 21 149481
30 Sep 21 148822
31 Oct 21 149772
30 Nov 21 150121
31 Dec 21 149394
31 Jan 22 149375
28 Feb 22 149429
31 Mar 22 149695
30 Apr 22 150518
31 May 22 152818
30 Jun 22 155650
31 Jul 22 159055
31 Aug 22 160740
30 Sep 22 164555
31 Oct 22 176653
30 Nov 22 187581
31 Dec 22 195895
31 Jan 23 203909
28 Feb 23 211035
31 Mar 23 218124
30 Apr 23 222426
31 May 23 227647
30 Jun 23 233995
31 Jul 23 244702
31 Aug 23 252516
30 Sep 23 257078
31 Oct 23 260847
30 Nov 23 264429
31 Dec 23 266744
31 Jan 24 268982
29 Feb 24 269628

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[a] This MFI series was introduced with December 2013 data following the decision to cease publication of mutually owned monetary financial institutions series. These changes are described in Bankstats, December 2013, 'Changes to publication of data for mutually owned monetary financial institutions', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1dec13.pdf (03 January 2014).

[b] Excluding ISA deposits.

[c] Excluding TESSA deposits.