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Date Monthly amount of total sterling regular repayments of secured lending by individuals (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Jan 19 4102
28 Feb 19 4093
31 Mar 19 4111
30 Apr 19 4122
31 May 19 4040
30 Jun 19 4113
31 Jul 19 4114
31 Aug 19 4221
30 Sep 19 4167
31 Oct 19 4182
30 Nov 19 4376
31 Dec 19 4219
31 Jan 20 4295
29 Feb 20 4179
31 Mar 20 4268
30 Apr 20 3795
31 May 20 3245
30 Jun 20 3737
31 Jul 20 3709
31 Aug 20 4068
30 Sep 20 4109
31 Oct 20 4175
30 Nov 20 4230
31 Dec 20 4100
31 Jan 21 4404
28 Feb 21 4370
31 Mar 21 4414
30 Apr 21 4427
31 May 21 4413
30 Jun 21 4906
31 Jul 21 4278
31 Aug 21 4588
30 Sep 21 4578
31 Oct 21 4542
30 Nov 21 4522
31 Dec 21 4521
31 Jan 22 4782
28 Feb 22 4718
31 Mar 22 4579
30 Apr 22 4689
31 May 22 4708
30 Jun 22 4670
31 Jul 22 4741
31 Aug 22 4837
30 Sep 22 4866
31 Oct 22 5117
30 Nov 22 4946
31 Dec 22 4957
31 Jan 23 4897
28 Feb 23 5225
31 Mar 23 4831
30 Apr 23 4995
31 May 23 5048
30 Jun 23 5279
31 Jul 23 5227
31 Aug 23 5145
30 Sep 23 5185
31 Oct 23 5164
30 Nov 23 5136
31 Dec 23 5485
31 Jan 24 5478
29 Feb 24 5122

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[a] Owing to the seasonal adjustment of this series, it may not equal the sum of its institutional breakdown. The residual can be found on the Bank's Interactive Database (LPMB3XG).

[b] Due to improvements in reporting at a number of reporting institutions, approximately £0.5bn of repayments of loans secured on dwellings have been reclassified from other lump sum to regular repayments for December 2023. (31 Dec 2023)