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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling M4 liabilities to other financial corporations (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 19 566203
28 Feb 19 569218
31 Mar 19 570088
30 Apr 19 577365
31 May 19 565349
30 Jun 19 567987
31 Jul 19 571122
31 Aug 19 579589
30 Sep 19 589449
31 Oct 19 587179
30 Nov 19 600226
31 Dec 19 598508
31 Jan 20 615847
29 Feb 20 617294
31 Mar 20 660392
30 Apr 20 667641
31 May 20 668227
30 Jun 20 679131
31 Jul 20 684226
31 Aug 20 665379
30 Sep 20 677366
31 Oct 20 643644
30 Nov 20 642893
31 Dec 20 636855
31 Jan 21 628507
28 Feb 21 632588
31 Mar 21 632999
30 Apr 21 623848
31 May 21 626750
30 Jun 21 632406
31 Jul 21 635790
31 Aug 21 641435
30 Sep 21 649611
31 Oct 21 655043
30 Nov 21 665494
31 Dec 21 663321
31 Jan 22 655197
28 Feb 22 682658
31 Mar 22 671849
30 Apr 22 665343
31 May 22 667925
30 Jun 22 662246
31 Jul 22 672465
31 Aug 22 664847
30 Sep 22 720429
31 Oct 22 719595
30 Nov 22 670191
31 Dec 22 646151
31 Jan 23 679652
28 Feb 23 666806
31 Mar 23 654316
30 Apr 23 648606
31 May 23 660137
30 Jun 23 658438
31 Jul 23 635398
31 Aug 23 643504
30 Sep 23 608226
31 Oct 23 607796
30 Nov 23 601207
31 Dec 23 612052
31 Jan 24 602794
29 Feb 24 611644

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[a] Changes were introduced with effect from the publication of May 2019 data, following a review. The construction of this series now includes a seasonally adjusted intermediate other financial corporation (IOFC) component. Previously, this component was not seasonally adjusted. (28 Feb 2014 onward)