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Date Monthly amounts outstanding of US-owned banks' sterling cash ratio deposits with Central Bank (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
31 Jan 19 368
28 Feb 19 368
31 Mar 19 368
30 Apr 19 368
31 May 19 368
30 Jun 19 409
31 Jul 19 409
31 Aug 19 409
30 Sep 19 409
31 Oct 19 409
30 Nov 19 410
31 Dec 19 462
31 Jan 20 462
29 Feb 20 462
31 Mar 20 462
30 Apr 20 462
31 May 20 462
30 Jun 20 569
31 Jul 20 569
31 Aug 20 569
30 Sep 20 569
31 Oct 20 569
30 Nov 20 569
31 Dec 20 694
31 Jan 21 694
28 Feb 21 694
31 Mar 21 694
30 Apr 21 695
31 May 21 695
30 Jun 21 800
31 Jul 21 800
31 Aug 21 800
30 Sep 21 800
31 Oct 21 800
30 Nov 21 800
31 Dec 21 767
31 Jan 22 767
28 Feb 22 767
31 Mar 22 767
30 Apr 22 769
31 May 22 771
30 Jun 22 820
31 Jul 22 820
31 Aug 22 805
30 Sep 22 805
31 Oct 22 804
30 Nov 22 802
31 Dec 22 797
31 Jan 23 797
28 Feb 23 797
31 Mar 23 797
30 Apr 23 798
31 May 23 798
30 Jun 23 783
31 Jul 23 783
31 Aug 23 783
30 Sep 23 783
31 Oct 23 783
30 Nov 23 783
31 Dec 23 726
31 Jan 24 726
29 Feb 24 726

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[a] As set out in the Banks Statistical Notice 2024/03, the Cash Ratio Deposit scheme closed in February 2024, and the Bank has repaid all CRD balances to their respective holders. This is reflected in our statistical reporting by all CRD related series decreasing to zero, and where firms have chosen to keep their CRD balances as reserves, a commensurate increase in series relating to reserves held at the Bank https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/notice/2024/statistical-notice-2024-03.