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Date Accounting value of the aggregate drawings from the Term Funding Scheme on the Bank of England balance sheet (in sterling millions) financed by the creation of central bank reserves
31 Mar 19 121250
30 Jun 19 116742
30 Sep 19 115292
31 Dec 19 108164
31 Mar 20 107189
30 Jun 20 93330
30 Sep 20 72485
31 Dec 20 50110
31 Mar 21 28947
30 Jun 21 24116
30 Sep 21 13747
31 Dec 21 892
31 Mar 22 0
30 Jun 22 0
30 Sep 22 0
31 Dec 22 0
31 Mar 23 0

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[a] This series is a component of the Bank of England consolidated balance sheet which is published as a complement to the Bank of England Weekly Report published in Table B1.1.2.