D Public sector debt and money markets operations etc (including reserves)

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Net public sector debt (until March 2005)
Official Rates and Ranges by Maintenance Period
Sterling Monetary Framework assets and liabilities by Maintenance Period
Collateral held by the Bank of England in its Sterling Monetary Framework operations by Maintenance Period (until September 2014)
Daily Flows - Open Market Operations by Maintenance Period
Bank of England Discount Window Facility lending
Bank of England Asset Purchase Facility
Bank of England Covid Corporate Financing Facility
Bank of England - Term Funding Schemes
Bank of England - Alternative Liquidity Facility
Bank of England - Funding for Lending Scheme
Bank of England operations in the Money Markets - Until March 2009
Bank of England operations in the Money Markets - Until April 2006
Public Sector Net Debt, Amounts outstanding at nominal value; 31 March
Distribution of the national debt by instrument, Amounts outstanding at nominal value; 31 March
Distribution of the sterling national debt by sector, Amounts outstanding at nominal value; 31 March
Holdings of British government securities by sector, Amounts outstanding at nominal value; 31 March
Transactions in marketable government debt: British Government Stocks - analysis of net official sales (1970/71 - 1998/99)
Transactions in marketable government debt: British Government Stocks - analysis by sector (1970/71 - 1998/99)
Transactions in marketable government debt: Sterling Treasury Bills - analysis by sector (1970/71 - 1998/99)
Influences on the Cash position of the Money Market (1980/81 - 1999/00)
Gilt repo and stock lending - Quarterly (Feb, May, Aug, Nov) - Until May 2018
Quarterly sterling money market data
UK international reserves (in US dollar millions)
Change in level of total reserves
Underlying change in reserves
Amounts outstanding
Foreign currency reserves
Reserve position in the IMF
Special drawing rights (SDRs)
Other reserve assets
Total international reserves
Total international reserves of which claims on residents
Balance of payments of reserves
Foreign currency reserves and other reserve assets by instrument - amounts outstanding
Bonds and notes
Money market instruments
Currency and deposits with monetary authorities
Currency and deposits with banks
Financial derivatives
Foreign currency reserves and other reserve assets by currency - amounts outstanding
US Dollars
Other currencies
Central government foreign currency debt by instrument - amounts outstanding
Short-term loans
Bonds and notes
Medium and long-term loans
Liability due to allocation of special drawing rights (SDRs)
Other liabilities
Central government foreign currency debt by instrument by currency - amounts outstanding
US Dollars
Other currencies
Liability due to allocation of special drawing rights (SDRs) allocation
Bank of England foreign currency liabilities and assets
Further breakdowns of reserves