Agents' Summary of Business Conditions - June 2006

We regularly publish a summary of reports compiled by our twelve regional Agents following discussions with at least 700 businesses across the UK every reporting period.
Published on 19 June 2006
  • Consumer spending growth picked up.
  • The housing market recovery continued, with demand outpacing supply.
  • Export sales accelerated again; import growth was less pronounced.
  • Investment intentions rose: the pace of decline in UK manufacturing investment eased, and services companies expected their investment spending to accelerate.
  • Alongside strong export sales, domestic manufacturing production picked up.
  • Construction output grew steadily.
  • Business services turnover was strong, particularly in the professional and financial sector.
  • Employment intentions strengthened, with business services recruiting vigorously, but there was still slack in the labour market.
  • The degree of spare capacity in the manufacturing sector narrowed; capacity pressures in the services sector were unchanged.
  • There were few signs of pay pressures, or any second-round effects from higher energy prices.
  • Input price inflation stayed high, reflecting the impact of energy prices.
  • Output price inflation rose; there was limited pass-through to consumer prices.

PDFAgents' summary of business conditions - June 2006

Other Agents' summary of business conditions

This page was last updated 31 January 2023