Asset Purchase Facility Quarterly Report - 2009 Q2

In the interests of openness and transparency, we publish a quarterly report on the transactions carried out as part of the Asset Purchase Facility. The reports are published shortly after the end of each quarter.
Published on 23 July 2009

During 2009 Q2:

  • Yields on nominal gilts were volatile during 2009 Q2 but generally rose and, for short to medium-term rates, ended the period higher than prior to the March MPC announcement.
  • The market for sterling investment-grade non-financial commercial paper continued to improve during 2009 Q2.
  • UK banks issued less paper under the CGS during 2009 Q2 than the previous quarter and issued more unguaranteed debt as conditions in the markets for both short-term and longer-term unguaranteed bank funding improved.

PDF Asset Purchase Facility Quarterly Report – 2009 Q2

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