Asset Purchase Facility Quarterly Report - 2018 Q4

In the interests of openness and transparency, we publish a quarterly report on the transactions carried out as part of the Asset Purchase Facility. The reports are published shortly after the end of each quarter.
Published on 28 January 2019

Key points from the 2018 Q4 Asset Purchase Facility report

During 2018 Q4:

  • No corporate bond purchases took place during the quarter.
  • Total lending by the Term Funding Scheme, which closed to new drawings on 28 February 2018, fell by £5.005 billion during 2018 Q4, ending the quarter at £121.443 billion.
  • There were no gilt purchases made during Q4.
  • During 2018 Q4, nominal gilt yields fell on average by around 15 basis points.
  • Sterling investment-grade non-financial corporate bond spreads widened by 13 basis points on average over 2018 Q4.
  • Gross issuance of corporate bonds by UK private non-financial corporations in 2018 Q4 was lower than in 2017 Q4.

PDFAsset Purchase Facility Quarterly Report - 2018 Q4