One Bank Flagship Seminar by Carol Graham (University of Maryland and The Brookings Institution)

Carol Graham, Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, will join us for the next One Bank Flagship seminar on Thursday 17 November to discuss the unequally-shared American dream.

Event date: 17 November 2016

The seminar is based on her book “Happiness for All? Unequal Lives and Hopes in Pursuit of the American Dream”, which is due to be released in early 2017.   

In addition to her role at the Brookings Institution, Carol Graham is also College Park Professor in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland and Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, Germany. 

Professor Graham served on a National Academy of Sciences panel on well-being metrics for policy in 2012-13, and received a Distinguished Research Fellow award for her significant contribution to the field from the International Society of Quality of Life Studies for 2014. From 2002-2004, she served as a Vice President at Brookings. She has also served as Special Advisor to the Vice President of the Inter-American Development Bank, as a Visiting Fellow in the Office of the Chief Economist of the World Bank, and as a consultant to the International Monetary Fund and the Harvard Institute for International Development. 

Professor Graham focuses on poverty, inequality, public health and novel measures of well-being. She has published extensively on these topics, including her books The Pursuit of Happiness: An Economy of Well-Being and Happiness Around the World. She has also published numerous academic articles and appears regularly in the media in the US. She has established herself as one of the leading figures in the relatively new area sometimes known as Happiness Economics or Well-being studies. She is senior editor at Behavioral Science and Policy and an Associate Editor at the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 

The One Bank Flagship Seminars are a series of presentations by high-profile speakers, drawn in the main from disciplines outside of economics and finance.  The idea is that they will present their work and draw out its relevance to our ‘One Bank Research Agenda’. 

For any queries about this event, please contact the One Bank Research Seminar Team.