Workshop for Heads of Financial Stability

The Workshop for Heads of Financial Stability (WHFS) brings together senior central bankers to discuss a range of contemporary financial stability issues.

Event date: 15 February 2017

This year the event was attended by 25 delegates. Content focused on the counter-cyclical capital buffer, emerging market issues, market liquidity, shadow banking and stress testing.

PDFWorkshop programme

Resources from the event

Daryl Ho, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

PDFOperationalising the Counter Cyclical Buffer

Thomas Sangill, National Bank of Denmark

PDFIncorporating funding costs in a stress testing framework

Pierluigi Bologna, Bank of Italy

PDFIntegrating stress tests with the Basel III capital framework

Jesus Saurina, Bank of Spain

PDFBank of Spain in-house stress testing

Simonas Krepsta, Bank of Lithuania

PDFConnecting bank credit, money creation and economic imbalances