Macro-finance workshop

The third edition of this macro-finance workshop will be held in London.

Event dates: 1 - 2 June 2017

The aim of this workshop is to invite Academics and central bankers from all around the world to present the frontiers of research in macro-finance. The workshop is organized by the Centre for Central Bank Studies (BoE) together with the MacCaLM Project (University of Edinburgh).

Confirmed speakers include:

  •  Ricardo Caballero (MIT)
  •  Thomas Chaney (Sciences Po)
  •  Zhiguo He (Chicago)
  • Sydney Ludvigson (NYU)
  • Ian Martin (LSE)
  • Emanuel Moench (Bundesbank)
  • Ricardo Reis (LSE)
  • Yuliy Sannikov (Stanford)
  • Jean Tirole (TSE)

Organizing Committee:

Gabor Pinter (Bank of England)
John Moore (MacCaLM, University of Edinburgh)

Location: Bank of England, London.

If you’d like to attend the workshop or if you have any questions please email:

PDF2017 programme

Macro-Finance Workshop

PDF2016 programme

PDF2015 programme