Macro-finance workshop 2019

The fifth edition of this macro-finance workshop was held in London.

About the event

Date: 30 - 31 May 2019
Location: Bank of England, London.

The aim of this workshop is to invite Academics and central bankers from all around the world to present the frontiers of research in macro-finance. The workshop is organized by the Centre for Central Bank Studies (BoE) together with the MacCaLM Project (University of Edinburgh).

Speakers included:

  • Vladimir Asriyan (CREI)
  • Tom Carter (BoC)
  • Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial College) 
  • Peter Kondor (LSE)
  • Ian Martin (LSE)
  • Anna Pavlova (LBS)
  • Ricardo Reis (LSE)
  • Rafael Repullo (CEMFI)
  • Petr Sedlacek (Oxford)
  • Alp Simsek (MIT)
  • Paolo Surico (LBS)
  • Silvana Tenreyro (BoE)
  • Harald Uhlig (Chicago)
  • Victoria Vanasco (CREI)
  • Dimitri Vayanos (LSE)
  • Xavier Vives (IESE)
  • Ansgar Walther (Imperial College)
  • Ivan Werning (MIT)
  • Arlene Wong (Princeton)

Organising Committee:

John Moore (MacCaLM, University of Edinburgh)
Gabor Pinter (Bank of England)

This page was last updated 31 January 2023