IFABS 2021 Oxford Conference

This year’s IFABS annual conference is organised in collaboration with the Bank of England, King’s College London, University of Oxford and University of Nottingham on the overall theme of “Financial system(s) of tomorrow”.

Update: 14 September 2021

2021 IFABS Oxford virtual conference is now half-way through and has become truly global. Some high-level diversity stats below:

  • Participants and delegates come from more than 36 countries spanning all continents (except for Africa).
  • 70% come from academia and 30% are from central banks, industry and international organizations.
  • Presenters are comprised of PhD students, early career researchers, senior researchers, and professors or high-level professionals.
  • Scientific committee consists of 80 members.
  • Those members come from 20 countries, spanning 5 continents.
  • 20 scientific themes across finance, financial markets, macro-finance, financial stability, and central bank policy. 

More information can be found in the 3 welcome speeches below. Highlights of the conference are also published on social media.


Monday 13 September - Wednesday 15 September

About the conference

The call for papers is now open and the conference includes the following sessions:

Keynote speakers:

  • Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University
  • Claudia Buch, Vice President, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Willem Buiter, Visiting Professor, International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
  • Andrew Hauser, Executive Director for Markets, Bank of England

Panel sessions:

  1. Gareth Ramsay, Chief Data Officer Bank of England "Big data in the time of Covid-19: Challenges, successes and lessons for the future".
    Panel members: Arthur Turrell (ONS), Alvaro Ortiz (BBVA), Sarah Gadd (Credit Suisse)
  2. Ralph De Haas, Director of Research EBRD "How to empower markets and institutions to enable an orderly transition in the face of climate risk".
  3. Panel members: John Ploeg (PGIM), Imane Bakkar (Bank of England), Sujit Kapadia (European Central Bank), Ben Caldecott (University of Oxford)
    1. ALEXANDER Carol University of Sussex
    2. ARSLAN-AYAYDIN Ozgur University of Illinois at Chicago
    3. BANERJI Sanjay University of Nottingham
    4. BECK Thorsten Cass Business School & Florence School of Banking and Finance
    5. BENOS Evangelos University of Nottingham
    6. BERNALES Alejandro Universidad de Chile
    7. BERROSPIDE José Federal Reserve Board
    8. BERTRAND Jean-Louis ESSCA
    9. BEYHAGHI Mehdi Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
    10. BLENMAN Lloyd UNC Charlotte
    11. CANON SALAZAR Carlos Bank of England
    12. CHABOT Miia ESSCA
    13. CIHAK Martin International Monetary Fund
    14. CORREA Ricardo Federal Reserve Board
    15. DE JONGHE Olivier Tilburg University
    16. DEGRYSE Hans KU Leuven
    17. DEMETRIADES Panicos University of Leicester
    18. DEMIRALP Selva Koc University
    19. DEMIRGUC-KUNT Asli World Bank
    20. DEVLIN James University of Leicester
    21. ERTEN Irem University of Warwick
    22. FARAG Hisham University of Birmingham
    23. FATOUH Mahmoud Bank of England
    24. FECHT Falko Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
    25. FERRANDO Annalisa European Central Bank
    26. FOREMAN Timothy  King’s College London
    27. FRASER Clive University of Leicester
    28. GAMBETTA Nicolas Universidad ORT Uruguay
    29. GIANSENTE Simone University of Bath
    30. GIUDICI Paolo University of Pavia
    31. GUNEY Yilmaz Coventry University
    32. HAN Liyan Beihang University
    33. HANSEN Erwin University of Chile
    34. HUA Xiuping University of Nottingham China
    35. HYDE Stuart University of Manchester
    36. JIANG Fuwei Central University of Finance and Economics
    37. KACPERCZYK Marcin Imperial College
    38. KREMER Manfred European Central Bank
    39. LADLEY Daniel University of Leicester
    40. LAMBERT Thomas Erasmus University Rotterdam
    41. LEIVA-LEON Danilo Banco de España
    42. LEMKE Wolfgang European Central Bank
    43. LONDONO Juan M. Federal Reserve Board
    44. MADEIRA Carlos Central Bank of Chile
    45. MARTINEZ-GARCIA Enrique Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
    46. MASSOUD Nadia University of Melbourne
    47. MCGOWAN Danny University of Birmingham
    48. MELO Ligia Central Bank of Colombia
    49. MIZEN Paul University of Nottingham
    50. MORGAN Peter Asian Development Bank Institute
    51. NANDA Vikram University of Texas
    52. OJEDA-JOYA Jair Central Bank of Colombia
    53. ONALI Enrico University of Exeter
    54. ONGENA Steven University of Zurich
    55. O'TOOLE Conor Mark ESRI
    56. PAWLOWSKA Malgorzata Warsaw School of Economics
    57. RAU Raghavendra University of Cambridge-Judge Business School
    58. SANTIONI Raffaele Bank of Italy
    59. SAPRIZA Horacio Federal Reserve Board
    60. SENA Vania University of Sheffield
    61. SETH Rama Copenhagen Business School
    62. SHABAN Mohamed University of Leicester
    63. SHAPIRO Joel Said Business School, Oxford University
    64. STOJA Evarist University of Bristol
    65. TABAK Benjamin Fundação Getulio Vargas
    66. TAMAYO Cesar E. Universidad EAFIT
    67. TEMESVARY Judit Federal Reserve Board
    68. TORLUCCIO Giuseppe University of Bologna
    69. TSIONAS Mike Lancaster University Management School
    70. TUNARU Radu University of Sussex
    71. URQUHART Andrew University of Reading
    72. VALENZUELA Patricio Universidad de los Andes
    73. VILLAMIZAR Mauricio Central Bank of Colombia
    74. VIOTO Davide Bank of England
    75. WILLIAMS Jon Bangor University
    76. ZALEWSKA Ania University of Bath
    77. ZIKES Filip Federal Reserve Board
This page was last updated 31 January 2023